Thursday, July 19, 2012

Project Updates (7/19)

At our meeting last week we discussed further changes that should be made to the visualization.  First we decided on the statistics that should be included in the graph: size of the partial solution, number of open clauses (separated into learnt and original), and number of learnt clauses (this excludes the ones that have been forgotten).  We then discussed how the page should be organized and decided that the textbox, graph, and tree should all somehow be coordinated.  To coordinate the three structures, I implemented a couple new features.  When the user hovers over a node in the tree, the 4 corresponding nodes in the graph blink to indicate the location and the textbox displays the corresponding statistics. Previously there was a slider bar that indicated the progress along the tree, however I think it may be easier to navigate through the tree using the nodes on the graph.  Thus, I disabled the sliderbar (it is still visible and marks the location on the graph, but the user cannot use it to navigate through the tree) and am going to make the nodes on the graph buttons so the user can simply click on the node in the graph to build the tree.  In the upcoming week, I will also be redoing the dropdown box.  The drop down box will contain the same statistics found in the graph.  The user will have the option to view one or all of the statistics.  When the user makes his/her selection the graph will be updated to show one or all of the statistics and, when the user hovers over nodes in the tree, the corresponding statistic(s) will be shown in the text box.

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