Thursday, December 15, 2011

MAC (using FC and AC2001) Summary-- Mary

            The AC2001 and Forward Checking algorithms were used to implement the maintaining arc consistency algorithm.  AC2001 builds off of AC3 by remembering the domain value of variable V[j] that supports the variable value pair (V[i], a), which is stored in the data structure LAST((V[i],a), V[j]) .  Therefore, when the algorithm checks the variable value pair (V[i],a) against V[j] again, it does not necessarily have to start at the beginning of the domain list of V[j]; rather it starts from the domain value of V[j] stored in LAST((V[i],a),V[j]).  AC2001, in comparison to AC3 and AC1, saves a significant amount of consistency checks.  While implementing the AC2001 algorithm, I struggled with what type of data structure I should use for LAST.  I eventually decided to use a hashtable with the key being the string “V[i].Name(), a, V[j].Name()” and the value being the domain value of V[j].  For example, suppose the V[i] was the variable Q1, a was the value 1, and V[j] was the variable Q2; my hashtable key was “Q1,1,Q2” and the value would be the integer 3.  While this datastructure worked, I’m not sure it was ideal.  Another part of AC2001 that I struggled with was how arcs were added to the queue.  I had the same struggle when I implemented AC3.
            After implementing AC2001, I begin integrating it with the Forward Checking algorithm.  The Forward Checking algorithm solves a CSP instance by instantiating a variable, V[i], then weeding the domain values of the uninstantiated variables, future variables.  This guarantees a consistent partial solution.  Maintaining Arc Consistency is also a lookahead schema for solving CSPs.   The idea of Maintaining Arc Consistency is to first run a forward checking algorithm, and then, if the instantiation is consistent with the future variables, further weed the domains of the future variables by also applying an arc consistency algorithm using the constraints that involve the future variables.  Maintaining Arc Consistency does more weeding of future variables’ domain and thus has fewer nodes visited, but the consistency check increase. 
In my case, I used Forward Checking and AC2001.  One of my struggles with implementing Maintaining Arc Consistency was managing the reductions list.  I struggled particularly with the idea that even if the instantiation of variable V[i] was consistent with Forward Checking, it may not necessarily be consistent with AC2001; that is though Forward Checking did not wipe out any future variables domain, AC2001 could.  However, if there were still domain values left in the current variable, V[i], it is only necessary to undo the current instantiation of V[i] and undo the reductions associated with that instantiation; it is not necessary to do a complete backtrack.  Another aspect I struggled with related to managing the reductions list was the idea that there could be a case where Forward Checking did not delete a future variable, V[j]’s, domain, thus no new list was added to reductions that related the two variables.  However, though this could happen, it could also be the case that AC2001 did delete some domain values from V[j]; thus a new list needed to be added.  Originally I was simply appending the domain values removed by AC2001 to the last list in V[j]’s reductions; since this was incorrect I had to check whether or not Forward Checking had created a list and if it had not, I created a new list to append to the reductions list.
After completely implementing and debugging Maintaining Arc Consistency I compared the results of the benchmark problems to the results generated by just Forward Checking.   Even in the small problems, such as the 3 queens problem, Maintaining Arc Consistency had more consistency checks then Forward Checking.  However, Maintaining Arc Consistency had less backtracks and nodes visited the Forward Checking.  In the larger problems, particularly the zebra problem, Maintianing Arc Consistency did more than double the consistency checks, but visited less than half as many nodes and did less than half as many backtracks compared to Forward Checking.  The CPU time for Maintaining Arc Consistency was higher than that of Forward Checking in all cases; however that could simply be a reflection of my implementation.  Overall, it is difficult to tell if the trade off of more consistency checks is worth the significant drop in nodes visited and backtracks.

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